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Redis 5.0.3 and 4.0.12 have been the default versions for new RedisGreen databases since their release two weeks ago. We are conducting rolling upgrades of all 4.x and 5.x databases to ensure they include these new patches.

Redis 5.0.0 is live for customers who want to opt-in to the new version of Redis.

5.0 support includes monitoring of all stream commands as well as stream memory analysis for databases using memory mapping.

Redis 4.0.0 is out and fully supported by RedisGreen!

Redis 3.2 will remain the default for new servers for a while. You can choose Redis 4.0 when building a new DB to try out the new features, or contact support for a zero-downtime upgrade.

3.2.7 is out, and it’s the new default for all RedisGreen servers. You can read more about it here.

If you’re running Redis 3.2 on your local laptop you’ll probably want to upgrade to 3.2.7 there as well – the security patch guards against a potential attack from malicious web sites to your (localhost) Redis server.

A few customers have inquired about which version of Redis we recommend. We’ve been recommending the 3.2 branch for several months, and version 3.2.4 is the default for all new databases built by RedisGreen.

We intend to support older versions of Redis indefinitely, so if you’re happy with 2.8 we will be happy to support it, applying security fixes and updates as needed but avoiding major version changes.

RedisGreen now supports the latest stable version of Redis (3.2.1) and it’s the new default for all new servers! If you’d like to upgrade to 3.2.1, just click on the “Support” button in the RedisGreen dashboard and let us know.